The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Vasilii Efimovich Grigorev

Grigorev, Vasilii Efimovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 20th of December 1903

† 17th of March 1965

(Василий Ефимович Григорьев)


1942-06-04 Colonel
1943-06-07 Major-General of Tank Troops


1941-07-XX 1941-09-XX Commanding Officer 221st Tank Regiment
1941-09-XX 1941-11-XX Commanding Officer 142nd Tank Regiment
1941-11-XX 1942-01-11 Assistant Commanding Officer 143rd Tank Brigade
1942-01-11 1942-12-01 Commanding Officer 31st Tank Brigade
1942-12-01 1943-03-08 Acting Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces 29th Army
1943-03-08 1943-10-18 Commanding Officer XVI Tank Corps
1943-10-22 1945-01-07 Commanding Officer XXXI Tank Corps
1945-04-XX 1946-09-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 2nd Guards Tank Army
1946-09-XX 1946-10-04 Commanding Officer 7th Guards Tank Division
1946-10-04 1948-10-08 At disposal of the Commanding Officer 3rd Tank Army
1948-10-08 1948-11-29 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1948-11-29 Retired
Picture source:григорьев-василий-ефимович/