The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Fedor Ivanovich Gryzlov

Gryzlov, Fedor Ivanovich


* 5th of June 1895

† 21st of February 1972

(Федор Иванович Грызлов)


1943-09-15 Major-General


1941-05-17 1942-09-XX Instructor at the Infantry Commanders' Advanced Training Course 'Vystrel'
1942-09-XX 1942-12-XX Chief of Staff, 17th Rifle Division
1942-12-XX 1943-04-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, 33rd Army
1942-12-XX 1943-04-XX Chief of Operations Section, 33rd Army
1943-04-XX 1944-04-12 Commanding Officer 222nd Rifle Division
1944-04-12 1944-05-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1944-05-XX 1944-06-07 At disposal of the Military Council, 1st Baltic Front
1944-06-07 1945-04-16 Commanding Officer 156th Rifle Division
1945-05-02 1945-09-28 Hospitalised
1945-10-XX 1946-05-XX Commanding Officer 109th Rifle Division
1946-05-XX 1950-07-11 Senior Instructor at the Infantry Commanders' Advanced Training Course 'Vystrel'
1950-07-11 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko