The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Gu Ruoxu

Gu Ruoxu


* 1897

† 1961



1937-XX-XX 1938-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, 83rd Division
1938-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Chief Secretary, 93rd Army Headquarters
1938-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Magistrate of Changzhi County, Shanxi
1940-XX-XX 1946-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, 93rd Army
1946-XX-XX 1948-XX-XX Chief of Press Section, 14th Army
1948-XX-XX 1949-08-XX Chief of Press Section, 7th Organizing and Training Command
1949-08-XX 1949-12-XX Chief of Political Operations, 15th Army Corps
1949-12-XX Joins the People's Republic in December
1950-XX-XX Attending the Advanced Class, Southwestern Military Administration College