The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Iosif Ivanovich Gubarevich

Gubarevich, Iosif Ivanovich


* 29th of April 1896

† 28th of February 1943

(Иосиф Иванович Губаревич)


1942-01-19 Major-General


1936-10-XX 1938-01-XX Commanding Officer 269th Rifle Regiment
1938-01-XX 1938-08-XX Commanding Officer 13th Airborne Brigade
1938-08-XX 1941-12-05 Commanding Officer 204th Airborne Brigade
1941-12-05 1942-08-29 Commanding Officer VII Airborne Corps
1942-08-29 1943-02-07 Commanding Officer 34th Guards Rifle Division
1943-02-04 1943-02-28 Wounded and hospitalised
1943-02-28 Died of his wounds
Picture source:Губаревич,_Иосиф_Иванович