The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Jean-Marcel-Robert Guitry

Guitry, Jean-Marcel-Robert


* 11th of April 1874

† 10th of October 1941


1918-04-19 Lieutenant-Colonel
1922-12-25 Colonel
1927-12-01 Brigadier-General
1931-09-16 Major-General
1940-06-06 Lieutenant-General


1926-XX-XX 1927-XX-XX Head of 1st Bureau, Army General Staff
1928-01-24 1931-09-04 Vice Chief Army General Staff
1931-09-04 1934-04-08 General Officer Commanding 42nd Infantry Division
1934-04-08 1934-06-30 General Officer Commanding 10th Military Region
1934-06-30 1936-04-11 General Officer Commanding 6th Military Region
1934-06-30 1936-04-11 Military-Governor of Metz
1936-04-11 Retired
1940-06-06 Recalled
1940-06-06 1940-06-25 General Officer Commanding 10th Military Region
1940-06-25 1941-10-10 Prisoner of War
1941-10-10 Died in Prisoner of War Camp