The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Guo Rugui

Guo Rugui


* 15th of September 1907

† 23rd of October 1997


(Kuo Ju-kuei)


1948-09-22 Major-General


1937-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 14th Division, 18th Army
Commanding Officer 42nd Brigade, 14th Division, 18th Army
Chief of Staff, 54th Army
Chief of Staff, 20th Army Group
1941-XX-XX Commanding Officer 5th Provisional Division, 73rd Army
1943-XX-XX 1944-XX-XX Attending the Army College
1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Deputy Military Attaché to Great Britain
1945-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Military Affairs Bureau, Ministry of War
1946-06-XX 1946-10-XX Deputy Chief of 5th Department, Ministry of National Defence
1946-10-XX 1947-03-XX Chief of 5th Department, Ministry of National Defence
1947-03-XX 1948-07-XX Chief of Staff, Zuzhou General Headquarters
1948-07-XX 1949-01-XX Commanding Officer 74th Division
1949-01-XX 1949-02-XX Commanding Officer 18th Army
1949-02-XX 1949-07-XX Commanding Officer 74th Division
1949-XX-XX Commanding Officer 72nd New Army
1949-XX-XX Commander in Chief 22nd Army Group
1949-12-XX Surrenders to the People's Liberation Army
Joins the People's Liberation Army
Instructor at Nanjing Military Academy
Picture source: Courtesy of Tom Chan