The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Engineer Aleksandr Iosifovich Gurvich

Gurvich, Aleksandr Iosifovich


* 25th of January 1898

† 1st of September 1938

(Александр Иосифович Гурвич)


1936-02-25 Brigade-Engineer


1931-09-XX 1935-01-XX At disposal of the Intelligence Directorate, General Staff
1935-01-XX 1937-11-XX Head of the Technical Signals Scientific-Research Institute
1937-11-XX 1937-12-13 At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1937-12-13 1938-09-01 Arrested
1938-09-01 Condemned to death
1938-09-01 Executed
1957-07-25 Rehabilitated