The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Commissar Roman Akimovich Gurzhii

Gurzhii, Roman Akimovich


* 6th of August 1900

† 6th of November 1968

(Роман Акимович Гуржий)


1940-09-19 Brigade-Commissar
1942-12-20 Colonel


1938-11-23 1942-07-17 Military Commissar, Air Forces, Transbaikal Front
1942-09-30 1942-10-09 Military Commissar, 141st Fighter Aviation Division
1942-10-09 1943-06-16 Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, 141st Fighter Aviation Division
1943-06-16 1946-02-22 Chief of the Political Section, 141st Fighter Aviation Division
1948-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, 19th Air Defence Division
1954-07-24 Retired
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