The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Aviation Vasilii Andreevich Gushchin

Gushchin, Vasilii Andreevich

Major-General of Aviation

* 23rd of December 1901

† 26th of November 1958

(Василий Андреевич Гущин)


1943-09-01 Major-General of Aviation


1937-09-XX 1938-05-XX Commanding Officer Light Assault Aviation Brigade
1938-05-XX 1939-09-XX Commanding Officer 65th Light Bomber Aviation Brigade
1939-09-XX 1939-XX-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, Bobruisk Army Group of Forces
1939-XX-XX 1940-06-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, 4th Army
1940-06-XX 1940-08-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, 11th Army
1940-08-XX 1941-07-13 Commanding Officer 8th Mixed Aviation Division
1941-05-XX 1942-03-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, 27th Army
1942-03-XX 1942-09-01 Deputy Commanding Officer VI Fighter Aviation Corps
1942-09-01 1945-12-31 Commanding Officer 298th Fighter Aviation Division
1945-12-31 1948-04-XX Commanding Officer 142nd Fighter Aviation Division
1948-04-XX 1949-05-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1949-05-XX 1949-06-24 At disposal of the Commanding Officer Fighter Aviation, Air Defence Forces
1949-06-24 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko