The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Dmitrii Ivanovich Gustishchev

Gustishchev, Dmitrii Ivanovich


* 26th of November 1887

† 10th of October 1957

(Дмитрий Иванович Густищев)


1938-02-17 Kombrig
1939-10-23 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Major-General


1929-05-XX 1933-07-XX Commanding Officer 13th Cavalry Brigade
1933-07-XX 1935-01-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 3rd Cavalry Division
1935-01-XX 1936-11-XX Attending the Frunze Military Academy
1936-11-XX 1937-07-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 1st Cavalry Division
1937-07-XX 1938-07-XX Commanding Officer 1st Cavalry Division
1938-07-XX 1939-10-XX Acting Assistant Commanding Officer V Cavalry Corps
1939-10-XX 1939-12-XX Commanding Officer Army Cavalry Group, Kiev Special Military District
1939-12-XX 1941-02-XX Commanding Officer V Cavalry Corps
1941-02-XX 1941-03-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1941-03-XX 1941-05-XX Commandant of Moscow
1941-05-XX 1941-09-01 Deputy Commanding Officer IV Cavalry Corps
1941-09-01 1942-05-05 Commanding Officer 81st Cavalry Division
1942-05-05 1942-07-30 At disposal of the Military Council, Northern Caucasian Military District
1942-07-30 1942-11-03 Reserve Inspector of Cavalry, Northwestern Front
1942-11-03 1943-01-12 At disposal of the Military Council, Stalingrad Front
1943-01-12 1943-04-XX Chief of Automotive Section, Southern Front
1943-04-XX 1943-05-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1943-05-XX 1943-06-10 At disposal of the Briansk Front
1943-06-10 1945-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer IX Guards Rifle Corps
1945-07-XX 1945-08-14 Commandant of Halle [Germany]
1945-08-14 1946-06-12 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1946-06-12 Retired
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