The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General François-Louis-Léon Guyon

Guyon, François-Louis-Léon


* 14th of May 1890

† 2nd of January 1969


1934-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-03-25 Colonel
1942-08-20 Brigadier-General


1934-05-21 1939-12-11 Chief of Staff, Inspectorate-General of Artillery
1939-12-11 1940-06-01 Commanding Officer 30th Artillery Regiment
1940-06-01 1940-08-06 Commanding Officer Heavy Artillery, XXV Corps
1940-08-06 1940-08-14 At the disposal of General Officer Commanding 17th Military Region
1940-08-14 1940-08-26 Deputy Commandant of École Militaire d'Artillerie
1940-08-26 1942-12-01 Commandant of École Militaire d'Artillerie
1942-12-01 Demobilized
1942-12-01 1943-03-01 On leave
1943-03-01 1943-11-15 Armistice leave
1943-11-15 1944-08-27 Unemployed
1944-08-27 1945-08-27 At disposal
1945-08-27 Retired