The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Jūichi Hada

Hada, Jūichi


* 22nd of October 1885

† 3rd of February 1961


(はだ じゅういち)


1930-08-XX Colonel
1935-03-15 Major-General
1938-03-01 Lieutenant-General


1928-08-10 1930-08-01 Senior Staff Officer, Military Administration Branch, Military Service bureau, Ministry of War
1930-08-XX 1931-08-01 Instructor at the Infantry School
1931-08-01 1932-01-09 Commanding Officer 41st Infantry Regiment
1932-01-09 1932-12-07 Commanding Officer Tianjin Garrison
1932-12-07 1935-03-15 Chief of Staff 9th, Division
1935-03-15 1936-03-07 Commanding Officer 3rd Infantry Brigade
1936-03-07 1938-03-01 Attached to 10th Division
1938-03-01 1938-11-09 General Officer Commanding Taiwan Garrison
1938-11-11 1940-09-28 General Officer Commanding 19th Division
1940-09-28 1941-10-15 General Officer Commanding 5th Army
1941-10-15 1941-12-02 Attached to the General Staff
1941-12-02 Retired