The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Lieutenant-General James Bennett Hance

Hance, James Bennett


* 21st of April 1887

† 5th of September 1958

(Indian Medical Service)


1932-01-17 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-12-15 Colonel (Dated back to 1935-01-27)
1943-10-04 Local Lieutenant-General
1943-11-08 Major-General
1946-03-12 Relinquish the Local rank of Lieutenant-General
1946-07-27 Local Lieutenant-General


1933-10-16 1937-10-27 Resident Surgeon Mysore [India]
1937-10-28 1940-12-14 Resident Surgeon Mysore & Bangalore [India]
1940-12-15 1942-XX-XX Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Central Provinces & Berar [India]
1941-06-22 1942-XX-XX Director of Public Health, Central Provinces & Berar [India]
1942-XX-XX 1943-10-04 Deputy Director General of Indian Medical Services
1943-08-09 1946-11-12 Honorary Physician to the King
1943-10-04 1946-03-12 Director-General of Indian Medical Services
1946-07-29 1946-11-12 Medical Adviser to the Secretary of State for India
1946-07-29 1946-11-12 President of the Medical Board, Indian Office
1946-11-12 Retired
Picture source: NPG x168103, National Portrait Gallery, London