The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Sadahisa Hashimoto

Hashimoto, Sadahisa


* 3rd of October 1890

† 30th of December 1967


(はしもと さだひさ)


1940-08-01 Colonel
1945-06-10 Major-General


1940-08-01 1941-08-01 Instructor at the Army Motor School
1941-08-01 1943-10-29 Chief of the Research Section, Army Tank School
1943-10-29 1943-12-15 Commandant of 2nd Kurume Army Reserve Officers' School
1943-12-15 1945-03-19 Attached to the Army Yard for Field Transport Ships
1945-03-19 1945-09-XX Commanding Officer 16th Shipping Command