The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Yūzō Hayashi

Hayashi, Yūzō


* 25th of July 1898

† 7th of December 1970

(林 勇蔵)

(はやし ゆうぞう)


1940-08-01 Colonel
1945-03-01 Major-General


1940-03-09 1941-07-21 Commanding Officer 98th Air Squadron
1941-08-12 1944-06-20 Attached to Hamamatsu Army Aviation School
1944-06-20 1945-04-15 Attached to Mikatahara Aviation Training Facilities
1945-04-15 1945-06-01 Attached to the Army Infantry School
1945-06-01 1945-09-02 Commanding Officer 126th Independent Mixed Brigade