The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Huang Qingyun

Huang Qingyun


* 1884

† 15th of January 1951



1933-XX-XX Commanding Officer 76th Brigade, 26th Division
1935-XX-XX Member of the Military Advisory Council
1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer Jiannan Division Area, Sichuan
1943-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Bishan Sub-Area, Chongqing Defence Command
1949-XX-XX Commanding Officer Tongliang-Dazu Defence Command, Sichuan
1949-XX-XX Commanding Officer 5th Anti-Communist Citizens Defence Army, Sichuan
1949-12-XX Surrenders to the People's Republic
1950-XX-XX Participates in a revolt
1951-01-15 Executed