The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Huang Zhengcheng

Huang Zhengcheng





1940-06-XX Major-General (Post Rank)
1946-05-XX Lieutenant-General (Post rank)


1940-06-XX 1941-XX-XX Chief of Education Section, Artillery School
1941-XX-XX 1943-XX-XX Commanding Officer 10th Artillery Regiment, 9th War Zone
1943-XX-XX 1945-07-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Artillery Brigade
1945-07-XX 1946-06-XX Commanding Officer 1st Division, 1st Army
1946-06-XX 1946-09-24 Commanding Officer 1st Brigade, 1st Reorganized Division
1946-09-24 Captured by the People's Liberation Army