The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Ivor Thomas Percival Hughes

Hughes, Ivor Thomas Percival


* 21st of December 1897

† 16th of August 1962

(Queen's Royal Regiment)


1941-03-30 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-04-10 Temporary Brigadier
1942-03-20 Acting Major-General
1943-03-20 War Substantive Colonel
1943-03-20 Temporary Major-General
1945-09-24 Granted the Honorary rank of Major-General


1937-XX-XX 1939-03-31 Commanding Officer 4th Battalion, Queen's Royal Regiment
1939-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Battalion 6th Queen's Royal Regiment
1939-11-09 1939-11-17 Acting Commanding Officer 131st Brigade
1940-10-26 1941-05-05 Commanding Officer 219th Independent Brigade
1941-05-05 1942-03-20 Commanding Officer 131st Brigade
1942-03-14 1942-03-20 Acting General Officer Commanding 44th Division
1942-03-20 1943-01-31 General Officer Commanding 44th Division, North Africa
1943-XX-XX General Officer Commanding XXV Corps
1943-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Cyprus
1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Head of the British Military Liaison to Greece, Yugoslavia & Albania
1945-09-24 Retired
1947-07-31 1955-01-11 Honorary Colonel, 6th Battalion, Queen's Royal Regiment, Territorial Army
Picture source: NPG x168469, National Portrait Gallery, London