The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Jean-Louis-Auguste Humbert

Humbert, Jean-Louis-Auguste


* 11th of July 1895

† 9th of January 1975


1939-12-29 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-09-25 Colonel
1944-03-25 Brigadier-General
1946-04-20 Major-General (Dated back to 1946-03-25)
1951-09-01 Lieutenant-General


1939-09-02 1940-01-15 Deputy Head of 1st Bureau, General Headquarters
1940-01-15 1940-06-29 Head of 1st Bureau, Northeastern Front
1940-06-29 1941-05-31 Attached to the French Delegation to the Armistice Commission
1941-05-31 1941-08-05 Attached to 15th Military Division
1941-08-05 1941-11-25 President of Sub-Commission for Land Forces (French Delegation), Armistice Commission
1941-11-25 1942-11-16 Commanding Officer 2nd Chasseurs Demi-Brigade
1942-11-16 1942-11-29 Attached to 1st Group of Military Divisions
1942-11-29 1943-03-01 On leave
1943-03-01 1943-08-10 Armistice leave
1943-08-10 1945-05-09 Arrested by the Germans
1943-08-10 1945-05-09 Imprisoned
1945-11-15 1946-07-12 President of Appeals Commission, Ministry of National Defence
1946-07-12 1947-02-12 Chief of Military Cabinet to the President of the Provisional Government
1947-02-12 1949-02-16 Deputy Chief of the General Staff for National Defence
1949-02-16 1950-09-08 At disposal
1950-05-08 1955-08-01 General Officer Commanding 4th Military Region
1951-08-28 1955-08-01 Inspector of 2nd Defence Zone
1953-01-01 1954-12-31 Member of the Supreme War Council
1955-08-01 Retired