The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Charles-Léon-Clément Huntziger

Huntziger, Charles-Léon-Clément


* 25th of June 1880

† 12th of November 1941


1918-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1922-03-24 Colonel
1928-12-07 Brigadier-General
1933-03-20 Major-General
1935-03-13 Lieutenant-General
1938-05-17 General


1919-XX-XX 1920-01-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Army of the Orient
1920-01-XX 1921-09-XX Deputy Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of War
1921-09-XX 1924-07-XX Head of 1st Bureau, Directorate of Colonial Troops, Ministry of War
1924-08-XX 1928-01-XX Commanding Officer French Occupation Forces in China
1924-08-XX 1928-01-XX Commanding Officer 16th Colonial Infantry Regiment [China]
1928-02-25 1930-09-09 Chief of Staff to Inspector-General of Colonial Troops
1930-09-09 1934-03-17 Head of the French Military Mission to Brazil
1934-03-17 1938-07-19 General Officer Commander in Chief Levant
1938-05-17 1939-09-02 Member of the Supreme War Council
1939-09-02 1940-06-05 General Officer Commanding 2nd Army
1940-06-05 1940-06-25 General Officer Commanding 4th Army Group
1940-06-25 1940-09-06 Head of French Armistice Commission to Wiesbaden
1940-09-06 1941-08-11 State-Secretary of War, Vichy
1941-08-11 1941-11-12 Commander in Chief of the Land Forces, Vichy
1941-08-11 1941-11-12 Minister of War, Vichy
1941-11-12 Killed in an air crash
Picture source: Courtesy by Frederic Dumait