The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Balfour Oliphant Hutchison

Hutchison, Balfour Oliphant


* 12th of February 1889

† 26th of April 1967

(10th Royal Hussars)


1935-07-06 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-10-01 Brevet Colonel (Dated back to 1936-10-01)
1938-07-20 Colonel (Dated back to 1936-10-01)
1938-11-19 Temporary Brigadier
1940-06-08 Acting Major-General
1941-06-08 Temporary Major-General
1942-01-17 Major-General (Dated back to 1941-10-29)
1944-01-09 Acting Lieutenant-General
1945-01-09 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1945-12-10 Granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant-General


1935-07-06 1937-09-30 Commanding Officer 10th Royal Hussars
1937-10-01 1938-11-18 Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General, Mobile Division
1938-11-18 1939-10-06 Chief Administration Officer, Palestine
1940-06-08 1942-05-XX Deputy Quartermaster-General, Middle East
1942-05-05 1943-12-XX General Officer Commanding Sudan & Eritrea
1944-01-09 1945-XX-XX Quartermaster-General, Army Headquarters India
1945-12-10 Retired
Picture source: NPG x168512, National Portrait Gallery, London