The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Masanobu Iedokoro

Iedokoro, Masanobu


* 18th of February 1889

† 7th of February 1958


(いえどころ まさのぶ)


1941-08-25 Major-General


1937-08-02 1938-07-22 Attached to 1st Division
1938-07-22 1939-01-19 Commanding Officer 3rd Reserve, 1st Division
1939-01-19 1940-08-01 Commanding Officer 37th Infantry Depot Regiment
1940-08-01 1941-07-19 Attached to Imperial Guards Depot Division
1941-07-19 1941-10-15 Chief of Ordnance Section, Eastern Army
1941-10-30 Retired