The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Sergei Aleksandrovich Ignatev

Ignatev, Sergei Aleksandrovich


* 1st of October 1898

† 22nd of June 1969

(Сергей Александрович Игнатьев)


1940-01-XX Colonel
1944-09-13 Major-General


1936-03-XX 1940-08-XX Commanding Officer 224th Rifle Regiment
1940-08-XX 1941-03-XX Chief of Staff, Mogliev-Podolsk Fortified Area
1941-03-XX 1941-08-31 Commanding Officer Mogliev-Podolsk Fortified Area
1941-08-31 1941-10-XX At disposal of the 18th Army
1941-11-01 1942-08-31 Commanding Officer 151st Fortified Area
1942-08-31 Wounded
1943-01-11 1946-07-01 Commanding Officer 153rd Fortified Area
1946-12-XX 1948-12-XX Chief of Fortification Section, Belorussian Military District
1948-12-XX 1958-04-04 Military Commissioner, Sverdlovsk
1958-04-04 Retired
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