The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General François-Joseph-Jean Ingold

Ingold, François-Joseph-Jean


* 4th of April 1894

† 19th of December 1980


1941-12-25 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-03-23 Lieutenant-Colonel (Dated back to 1941-12-25)
1942-06-25 Temporary Colonel
1942-10-01 Colonel (Dated back to 1942-06-25)
1944-06-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-06-25)
1951-04-04 Major-General


1942-03-03 1942-07-15 Commanding Officer Cameroon
1942-07-15 1943-08-01 Commanding Officer Tchad
1943-08-01 1944-06-29 Director of Military Affairs, National Colonial Commissariat
1944-06-29 1945-03-16 Director of Colonial Troops
1945-03-16 1945-07-02 Delegate of the Ministry of War to the Advisory Council for Improvement, École Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes
1945-07-02 1945-10-16 General Officer Commanding 2nd Colonial Infantry Division
1945-10-16 1946-07-03 General Officer Commanding 2nd Colonial Group
1946-07-03 1947-07-28 On leave
1947-07-28 1949-05-24 General Officer Commanding Infantry Division No. 1
1949-05-24 1951-02-05 Commanding Officer 4th West African Brigade Military Commander of Niger
1949-05-24 1951-02-05 Commanding Officer Niger
1951-02-20 1951-04-04 On leave
1951-04-04 Retired
1961-04-27 Recalled
1961-04-27 1962-09-21 Member of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1962-09-21 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Musée de l'Ordre de la Libération, Paris