The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Engineers Mikhail Fadeevich Ioffe

Ioffe, Mikhail Fadeevich

Lieutenant-General of Engineers

* 27th of April 1907

† 14th of January 1985

(Михаил Фадеевич Иоффе)


1944-01-17 Major-General of Engineers
1963-02-22 Lieutenant-General of Engineers


1941-07-XX 1942-05-XX Chief of Special Works Section, Engineers, Western Front
1942-05-XX 1942-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 33rd Separate Engineering Brigade
1942-06-XX 1943-04-01 Commanding Officer 16th Separate Engineering Brigade
1943-04-01 1945-10-XX Commanding Officer 1st Guards Mechanised Engineering Brigade
1945-10-XX 1946-08-XX Commanding Officer 1st Guards Engineering Brigade
1946-08-XX 1950-02-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Engineers, Soviet Group of Forces in Germany
1946-08-XX 1950-02-XX Chief of Staff, Engineers, Soviet Group of Forces in Germany
1950-02-XX 1951-10-XX Deputy Commandant Senior Officers' Engineering School
1951-10-XX 1953-07-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Eastern Siberian Military District
1953-07-XX 1953-11-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Don Military District
1953-11-XX 1954-11-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Northern Caucasian Military District
1954-11-XX 1955-11-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1955-11-XX 1962-06-XX Head of ? Department, Military Engineering Academy
1962-06-XX 1970-08-14 Chairman of the Scientific & Technical Committee, Ministry of Defence
1970-08-14 Retired
Picture source:Иоффе,_Михаил_Фадеевич