The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Yoshiaki Ishida

Ishida, Yoshiaki


* 3rd of December 1889

† 20th of July 1970


(いしだ よしあき)


1933-08-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-08-02 Colonel
1942-08-01 Major-General


1935-08-01 1938-07-15 Attached to 11th Infantry Regiment
1938-07-15 1939-08-01 Commanding Officer Hiroshima Regimental District
1939-08-01 1940-06-19 Commanding Officer 161st Infantry Regiment [China]
1942-04-01 1942-08-01 Commanding Officer Fukuoka Regimental District
1942-08-01 1942-08-31 In reserve
1942-08-31 Retired