The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Saburō Isoda

Isoda, Saburō


* 18th of February 1892

† 26th of October 1979


(いそだ さぶろう)


1936-12-01 Colonel
1939-08-01 Major-General
1942-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1932-08-XX 1933-12-20 Attached to the General Staff
1933-12-20 1937-10-22 Instructor at the Field Artillery School
1937-10-22 1939-08-01 Chief of Staff, 114th Division
1939-08-01 1939-12-01 Attached to 14th Depot Division
1939-12-01 1941-12-07 Military Attaché to the USA
1941-12-07 1942-08-20 Returning to Japan
1942-08-20 1942-11-10 Attached to the General Staff
1942-11-10 1944-01-07 General Officer Commanding 22nd Division
1943-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Japanese Liaison Officer to Indian National Army
1944-01-07 1945-09-XX General Officer Guerilla Warfare Forces, Southern Army
1945-01-15 1945-09-XX Chief of Hikari (Light) Agency
1946-10-XX Retired