The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Takesuke Isomura

Isomura, Takesuke


* 15th of January 1898

† 10th of August 1945


(いそむら たけすけ)


1939-03-09 Colonel
1943-03-18 Major-General
1945-08-10 Lieutenant-General (Posthumously)


1938-12-10 1939-04-20 Attached to the General Staff
1939-04-20 1940-11-09 Chief of Intelligence Branch, Kwantung Army
1940-11-09 1941-10-15 Chief of 5th Section (Russian Intelligence), 2nd Section, General Staff
1941-10-15 1942-10-XX Commanding Officer 24th Field Artillery Regiment
1942-10-XX 1943-03-18 Chief of Administration Section, 15th Army [Burma]
1943-03-18 1944-03-22 Deputy Chief of Staff, Burma Area Army [Burma]
1944-03-22 1945-06-16 Deputy Chief of Staff, 7th Area Army
1945-06-16 1945-07-16 Attached to Army Ordnance Administrative Headquarters
1945-07-16 1945-08-10 Deputy Chief of Staff, 15th Area Army
1945-07-16 1945-08-10 Deputy Chief of Staff, Central Army District
1945-08-10 Killed in an air plane crash