The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov

Ivanov, Nikolai Petrovich


* 12th of December 1900

† 11th of June 1975

(Николай Петрович Иванов)


1938-06-15 Kombrig
1941-12-09 Major-General


1936-03-XX 1938-07-XX Commanding Officer 191st Rifle Regiment
1938-07-XX Chief of Staff, LVII Special Rifle Corps
1938-07-XX 1940-04-XX Military Attaché to China
1940-04-XX 1940-07-XX At disposal of the 5th Directorate, People's Commissariat of Defence
1940-07-XX 1940-10-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, 16th Army
1940-07-XX 1940-10-XX Chief of 1st Section, 16th Army
1940-10-XX 1941-05-25 Deputy Chief of Staff, Transbaikal Military District
1940-10-XX 1941-05-25 Chief of Operations Section, Transbaikal Military District
1941-05-25 1941-08-27 Chief of Staff, 6th Army
1941-09-10 1941-12-31 Chief of Staff, 9th Army
1942-04-20 1942-07-31 Chief of Staff, 18th Army
1942-09-27 1942-11-18 Chief of Staff, 56th Army
1943-06-25 1943-12-23 Chief of Staff, 11th Guards Army
1945-02-26 1945-04-29 Acting Commanding Officer V Guards Rifle Corps
1945-04-30 1949-05-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 39th Army
1949-05-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1956-09-XX Deputy Head of History of Military Art Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1956-09-XX 1958-04-XX Deputy Head of Military History & Military Art Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1958-04-XX 1959-10-09 Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1959-10-09 Retired
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