The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Technical Troops Semen Ivanovich Ivanov

Ivanov, Semen Ivanovich

Major-General of Technical Troops

* 1st of February 1892

† 11th of October 1953

(Семен Иванович Иванов)


1945-06-08 Major-General of Technical Troops


1936-05-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 7th Railway Regiment
Commanding Officer 7th Railway Regiment
1941-12-XX Commanding Officer 8th Separate Railway Regiment
1941-12-XX 1942-10-XX Commanding Officer 26th Railway Brigade
1942-10-XX 1946-04-XX Commanding Officer 14th Railway Brigade
1946-04-XX 1949-09-XX Commanding Officer 9th Railway Brigade
1949-09-XX 1950-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Rear Service, IV Railway Corps
1950-12-XX 1953-10-11 Head of Industrial Enterprises Directorate, Main Railway Troops Directorate
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