The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Stanislav Antonovich Ivanovskii

Ivanovskii, Stanislav Antonovich


* 28th of November 1893

† 31st of January 1975

(Станислав Антонович Ивановский)


1940-04-02 Kombrig promotion: 04.06.1940 Major-General


1936-01-XX 1936-11-XX Commanding Officer 245th Rifle Regiment
1936-01-XX 1936-11-XX Military Commissar, 245th Rifle Regiment
1936-11-XX 1937-02-XX Instructor at the Infantry Commanders' Advanced Training Course 'Vystrel'
1937-02-XX 1938-07-23 Instructor at Tashkent Infantry School
1938-07-23 Dismissed
1938-11-XX Reinstated in the Army
1939-03-XX 1940-10-XX Assistant Commandant of Tashkent Infantry School
1940-10-XX 1940-12-09 Head of Senior Commanders' Advanced Training Course, Kherson
1940-12-09 1942-08-10 Commandant of Uriupinsk Infantry School
1942-08-10 1942-09-03 Commanding Officer 31st Rifle Division
1942-09-03 1945-01-10 Commandant of Nalchik Infantry School
1945-01-10 1945-04-24 Commanding Officer 241st Rifle Division
1945-04-25 1945-05-XX Hospitalised
1945-05-XX 1946-03-15 Commanding Officer 159th Fortified Area
1946-05-XX 1947-04-XX Head of the Military Department, Drohobych Teachers' Institute
1947-04-XX 1949-10-XX Head of the Military Department, Uzbek State University
1949-10-XX 1951-02-XX Head of the Military Department, Central Asian State University
1951-02-XX 1954-03-09 Military Commissioner, Tashkent
1954-03-09 Retired
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