The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Hippolyte-Maurice-René Jeanpierre

Jeanpierre, Hippolyte-Maurice-René


* 6th of March 1873

† 7th of August 1956


1915-10-15 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1915-12-26 Lieutenant-Colonel
1918-03-30 Temporary Colonel
1918-06-28 Colonel
1924-06-25 Brigadier-General
1929-01-17 Major-General


1916-09-07 1918-03-30 Chief of Staff, XX Corps
1918-03-30 1919-01-12 Commanding Officer Infantry, 120th Infantry Division
1919-01-12 1919-06-20 Commanding Officer 4th Infantry Brigade
1919-06-20 Commanding Officer ? Infantry Brigade
1920-03-31 1929-01-17 Commanding Officer Infantry, 34th Infantry Division
1929-01-17 1929-02-28 At disposal
1929-02-28 1931-09-17 General Officer Commanding 36th Infantry Division
1931-01-17 1935-05-06 General Officer Commanding 20th Military Region
1935-05-06 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1939-09-19 Inspector-General of Infantry
1939-09-19 Retired
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