The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Marshal of France Alphonse-Pierre Juin

Juin, Alphonse-Pierre

Marshal of France

* 16th of December 1888

† 27th of January 1967


1932-03-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-12-26 Brigadier-General
1941-02-20 Major-General
1941-11-20 Lieutenant-General
1942-12-25 General
1952-05-07 Marshal of France


1937-03-10 1939-09-02 Chief of Staff to General Nouès as Member of the Supreme War Council
1939-09-02 1939-12-01 Chief of Staff, North African Theatre
1939-12-01 1940-05-29 General Officer Commanding 15th Motorised Division
1940-05-29 1941-06-16 Prisoner of War
1941-07-16 1941-09-13 Assistant General Officer Commander in Chief Morocco
1941-09-13 1941-11-18 General Officer Commander in Chief Morocco
1941-11-18 1943-06-03 Commander in Chief French North Africa
1942-11-15 1943-08-24 General Officer Commanding French Army Detachment in Tunisia
1943-05-08 1943-08-24 Resident-General of Tunisia
1943-06-03 1943-09-01 Commander in Chief French North Africa & French West Africa
1943-08-24 1944-07-23 General Officer Commanding Corps Expéditionaire Francais [Italy]
1944-08-12 1947-05-14 Chief of National Defence Staff
1947-05-14 1951-08-20 Resident-General of Morocco
1948-12-XX 1954-XX-XX Member of the Supreme War Council
1951-01-XX 1953-08-18 Inspector-General of the Army
1951-04-02 1953-08-20 Commander in Chief Allied Land Forces Central Europe
1951-08-20 1953-08-18 Chief of Staff of the Combined Armed Forces
1951-XX-XX 1953-XX-XX President of Chief of Staffs' Committee
1953-08-20 1956-10-01 Commander in Chief Allied Forces Central Europe
1958-08-XX 1960-11-XX Member of the Supreme National Defence Council
Picture source: Courtesy by Frederic Dumait