The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Yahiko Kamada

Kamada, Yahiko


* 1st of April 1877

† 15th of June 1966


(かまだ やひこ)


1921-06-20 Colonel
1926-03-02 Major-General
1931-03-11 Lieutenant-General


1921-07-20 1923-08-06 Commanding Officer Kobe Regimental District
1923-08-06 1926-03-02 Commanding Officer 39th Infantry Regiment
1926-03-02 1927-02-25 Commanding Officer 32nd Infantry Brigade
1927-02-25 1930-08-01 Attached to 11th Division
1930-08-01 1932-02-29 General Officer Commanding Taiwan Garrison
1932-02-29 1933-08-01 General Officer Commanding Imperial Guards Division
1933-08-01 1933-08-30 In reserve
1933-08-30 Retired