The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komandarm 1st Rank Sergei Sergeevich Kamenev

Kamenev, Sergei Sergeevich

Komandarm 1st Rank

* 4th of April 1881

† 25th of August 1936

(Сергей Сергеевич Каменев)


1935-11-20 Komandarm 1st Rank


1917-04-04 1917-11-25 Commanding 30th Poltavsk Infantry Regiment
1917-11-25 1917-12-XX Chief of Staff, XV Army Corps
1917-12-XX 1918-04-XX Chief of Staff, 3rd Army
1918-04-XX 1918-06-XX Commanding Officer Nevel District
1918-06-XX 1918-08-XX Commanding Officer 1st Vitebsk Infantry Division
1918-08-XX 1918-09-28 Commanding Officer Smolensk District
1918-09-28 1919-07-08 Commander in Chief Eastern Front
1919-07-08 1924-04-01 Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
1924-04-01 1925-02-07 Inspector of the Army
1924-04-XX 1927-05-XX Member of the Revolutionary Military Council
1925-02-07 1925-11-12 Chief of the General Staff
1925-11-12 1926-08-23 Chief Inspector of the Army
1926-08-23 1927-05-20 Head of the Main Army Directorate
1927-05-20 1934-07-01 Deputy People's Commissar of Military & Naval Affairs
1927-05-20 1934-07-01 Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council
1934-07-01 1936-08-25 Head of Air Defence Directorate
1936-08-25 Died of illness
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