The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Toyoju Kanō

Kanō, Toyoju


* 28th of November 1886

† 25th of May 1962


(かのう とよじゅ)


1930-08-01 Colonel
1935-03-15 Major-General


1930-08-01 1930-12-22 Attached to the Inspectorate-General of Military Training
1930-12-22 1932-08-08 Commanding Officer 11th Infantry Regiment
1932-08-08 1935-03-15 Chief of Staff, 10th Division
1935-03-15 1937-03-01 Commanding Officer 37th Infantry Brigade
1937-03-01 1937-09-10 Attached to 3rd Division
1937-09-10 1938-03-01 Inspector of Supply, 1st Army
1938-03-01 1938-03-25 In reserve
1938-03-25 Retired