The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Nariki Kanematsu

Kanematsu, Nariki


* 22nd of November 1882

† 13th of March 1974


(かねまつ なりき)


1931-08-01 Colonel
1936-03-07 Major-General


1930-08-01 1931-04-11 Chief of Ordnance Section, 19th Division
1931-04-11 1933-08-01 Commanding Officer 6th Heavy Field Artillery Regiment
1933-08-01 1936-03-07 Commanding Officer Artillery Students, Toyohashi Army Training School
1936-03-07 1937-03-01 Commandant of Hokoto Fortress
1937-03-01 1937-03-29 In reserve
1937-07-29 Retired