The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops Tikhon Pavlovich Kargopolov

Kargopolov, Tikhon Pavlovich

Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops

* 1st of September 1896

† 8th of February 1972

(Тихон Павлович Каргополов)


1935-11-26 Kombrig
1940-04-01 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Major-General of Signal Troops
1944-11-02 Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops


1933-08-XX 1934-12-XX Deputy Commandant of Leningrad Military Signal School
1934-12-XX 1936-04-XX Chief of Staff, Engineering-Technical Academy
1936-04-XX 1937-10-XX Commandant of Ulianovsk Military Signal School
1937-10-XX 1938-09-XX At disposal of the Directorate of Command & Command Structure, People's Commissariat of Defence
1938-09-XX 1939-12-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1939-12-XX 1940-08-XX Chief of Signal Section, 13th Army
1940-08-XX 1941-07-XX Head of Communications Department, Military Electro-Technical Academy
1941-08-XX 1941-09-XX Chief of Signal Section, Northwestern Theatre
1941-09-XX 1942-02-XX In reserve
1942-02-XX 1942-06-XX Chief of Signal Section, Volkhov Front
1942-06-XX 1946-04-XX Head of Combat Training Directorate, Main Signal Directorate
1946-04-XX 1946-08-XX Acting Head of Combat Training Directorate, Signal Troops, Ground Forces
1946-08-XX 1949-01-XX Chairman of the Scientific-Technical Committee of the Signal Troops of the Ground Forces
1949-01-XX 1952-05-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Arms & Supply, Signal Troops, Ground Forces
1952-05-XX 1955-06-XX Adviser to the Commander in Chief of Signal Troops
1955-06-XX 1959-04-XX Deputy Commander in Chief for Combat Training, Signal Troops
1959-04-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin