The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Quartermaster Service Ivan Matveevich Karmanov

Karmanov, Ivan Matveevich

Major-General of Quartermaster Service

* 2nd of April 1898

† 7th of February 1962

(Иван Матвеевич Карманов)


1942-05-21 Major-General of Quartermaster Service


1941-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Rear Service Western Front
Deputy Chief of Rear Service Stalingrad Front
Deputy Chief of Rear Service Central Front
Chief of Rear Service, Don Front
1943-XX-XX Hospitalised as a result of a kidney operation
1943-11-XX 1944-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Staff of Rear Service
1944-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Deputy Head of Main Automotive Directorate
1947-03-XX 1947-12-29 Assistant Commander in Chief of Rear Service
1947-12-29 1948-XX-XX Head of Fuel Supply Directorate
1948-XX-XX 1962-XX-XX Head of the Office of the Ministry of Defence
1962-XX-XX Retired