The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Aron Gershevich Karponosov

Karponosov, Aron Gershevich


* 10th of August 1902

† 14th of June 1967

(Арон Гершевич Карпоносов)


1941-10-28 Major-General
1943-01-30 Lieutenant-General


1938-06-XX 1938-09-XX Deputy Chief of Staff Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army
1938-09-XX 1939-01-XX Deputy Chief of Staff 1st Separate Red Banner Army
1939-01-XX 1939-04-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1939-04-XX 1939-09-XX Deputy Chief of Staff Kharkov Military District
1939-09-XX 1940-07-26 Deputy Chief of Staff Kiev Special Military District
1940-07-26 1941-07-22 Head of Directorate of Manning of the Armies, General Staff
1942-04-XX 1946-10-XX Head of Main Directorate of Organisation
1949-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Volga Military District
1958-03-21 Retired
Picture source: From: "Evrei - Generaly: Vooruzhennykh sil SSR" by F.D. Sverdlov, 1993