The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Heijūrō Kasai

Kasai, Heijūrō


* 2nd of January 1884

† 29th of May 1973


(かさい へいじゅうろう)


1926-06-28 Colonel
1931-08-01 Major-General
1935-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1927-02-22 1928-08-10 Military Attaché to Italy
1928-08-10 1929-08-01 Instructor at the War College
1929-08-01 1931-06-11 Commanding Officer 28th Cavalry Regiment
1931-06-11 1933-06-22 Military Attaché to France
1933-06-22 1934-08-01 Attached to the General Staff
1934-08-01 1935-08-01 Commanding Officer 2nd Cavalry Brigade
1935-08-01 1937-08-02 General Officer Commanding Cavalry Group
1937-08-02 1937-10-30 In reserve
1937-10-30 Retired