The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komdiv Fedor Petrovich Kaufeldt

Kaufeldt, Fedor Petrovich


* 1894

† 21st of October 1975

(Федор Петрович Кауфельдт)


1935-11-26 Komdiv


1923-11-XX 1924-07-XX Chief of Staff, I Rifle Corps
1924-07-XX 1925-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Volga Military District
1925-XX-XX 1926-01-XX Chief of Staff, I Rifle Corps
1926-01-XX 1926-11-XX Assistant Commanding Officer I Rifle Corps
1926-11-XX 1928-08-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Leningrad Military District
1928-08-XX 1929-XX-XX Commanding Officer Air Defence Leningrad
1929-XX-XX 1930-01-XX Attending Frunze Military Academy
1930-01-XX 1931-01-XX Commanding Officer Polotsk Fortified Area
1931-03-XX 1932-08-XX Instructor at the Military-Technical Academy
1932-08-XX 1933-02-XX Deputy Commandant of Military Electro-Technical Academy
1933-02-XX 1935-05-XX Chief of the Operational-Tactical Loop, Military Electro-Technical Academy
1935-05-XX 1937-07-XX Commanding Officer Air Defence Baku
1935-08-XX 1937-07-XX Commanding Officer Air Defence, Transcaucasian Military District
1937-07-XX 1938-01-04 At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1938-01-04 1940-06-15 Arrested
1940-06-15 Released
1940-XX-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1940-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX Head of General Tactics & Operational Arts Department, Military-Technical Academy
1941-XX-XX Commanding Officer Leningrad Main Defence Sector
1941-XX-XX Commanding Officer Luga Operational Group
1941-12-10 1942-11-11 Arrested
1942-11-11 Condemned to 5 years imprisonment
1946-XX-XX Released
1953-12-30 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko