The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Bunzaburō Kawagishi

Kawagishi, Bunzaburō


* 1st of January 1882

† 15th of May 1957


(かわぎし ぶんざぶろう)


1926-06-02 Colonel
1931-08-01 Major-General
1935-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1924-02-04 1925-12-01 Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor
1925-12-01 1929-08-01 In reserve
1929-08-01 1931-08-01 Commanding Officer 1st Imperial Guards Regiment
1931-08-01 1934-12-10 Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor
1934-12-10 1935-01-21 Attached to the Main Army Armaments Factory
1935-01-21 1936-03-23 Commanding Officer 11th Independent Mixed Brigade
1936-03-07 1936-04-XX Attached to 12th Depot Division
1936-04-XX 1936-12-01 General Officer Commanding 12th Depot Division
1936-12-01 1938-06-23 General Officer Commanding 20th Division [China]
1938-06-23 1939-12-01 Commander in Chief Eastern Defence Army
1939-12-01 Retired
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