The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kiyoshi Kawai

Kawai, Kiyoshi


* 14th of June 1889

† 13th of January 1954

(河合 潔)

(かわい きよし)


1939-08-01 Colonel
1944-03-01 Major-General


1939-08-01 1941-11-19 Commanding Officer 114th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment
1941-11-19 1944-03-01 Commanding Officer 2nd Air Defence Regiment
1944-03-01 1944-06-01 Commanding Officer Central Air Defence Brigade
1944-06-01 1945-05-05 Commanding Officer Central Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command
1945-05-05 1945-09-02 General Officer Commanding 3rd Anti-Aircraft Division