The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Takashi Kayashima

Kayashima, Takashi


* 18th of April 1889

† 18th of February 1956

(萱嶋 高)

(かやしま たかし)


1935-10-15 Colonel
1938-07-15 Major-General
1941-03-01 Lieutenant-General


1935-05-15 1936-05-30 Commanding Officer Infantry Tsientsin Garrison
1936-05-30 1937-11-01 Commanding Officer 1st China Garrison Regiment
1937-11-01 1938-07-15 Chief of Instruction Section, Military Academy
1938-08-15 1939-11-15 Commanding Officer 136th Infantry Brigade
1939-11-15 1941-03-01 Commanding Officer 18th Independent Mixed Brigade [China]
1941-03-01 1943-06-10 General Officer Commanding 6th Depot Division
1943-06-10 1943-10-15 General Officer Commanding 46th Division
1943-10-15 1943-10-18 In reserve
1943-10-18 Retired
1943-11-01 Recalled
1943-11-01 1945-04-01 General Officer Commanding 6th Depot Division
1945-04-01 Retired