The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Amédée-Paul-Georges-Joseph Keime

Keime, Amédée-Paul-Georges-Joseph


* 8th of October 1887

† 28th of January 1958


1933-09-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-09-25 Colonel
1941-06-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1941-08-25 Brigadier-General
1944-02-20 Major-General
1944-10-01 Reverted to Brigadier-General
1948-04-27 Major-General (Dated back to 1944-02-20)


1936-08-19 1939-09-15 Commanding Officer 1st Dragoon Regiment
1939-09-15 1939-09-23 Chief of Staff, Corps L [Levant]
1939-09-23 1940-07-01 Chief of Staff, Mobile Forces Levant
1940-07-01 1940-08-26 Chief of Staff, Levant
1940-07-27 1941-07-13 Commanding Officer Cavalry, Levant
1940-08-27 1941-06-13 Member of the Armistice Sub-Commission, Beirut [Lebanon]
1941-06-13 1941-06-16 Commanding Officer Armoured Cavalry Group, Southern Syria
1941-06-16 1941-06-27 Commanding Officer Cavalry, Southern Syria
1941-06-27 1941-08-16 Commanding Officer Southern Syria Territories
1941-08-16 1941-08-24 In transit
1941-08-23 1941-10-19 On leave
1941-10-16 1941-12-15 Deputy General Officer Commanding Levant Repatriated Forces
1941-12-15 1942-12-01 Commanding Officer Cavalry, 1st Group of Military Divisions
1942-11-28 Demobilized
1943-01-05 1944-05-19 Regional Military Commissar of Lyon
1944-05-19 1944-08-27 Unemployed
1944-08-27 1946-03-16 At disposal
1946-03-16 Retired