The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komandarm 2nd Rank Innokentii Andreevich Khalepskii

Khalepskii, Innokentii Andreevich

Komandarm 2nd Rank

* 2nd of July 1893

† 29th of July 1938

(Иннокентий Андреевич Халепский)


1935-11-20 Komandarm 2nd Rank


1918-07-XX 1918-10-XX Chief of Signal Section, 3rd Army
1918-10-XX 1919-03-XX Extraordinary Commissar of Communications for All Fronts
1919-03-XX 1919-09-XX People's Commissar for Post & Telegraph, Ukraine
1919-09-XX 1919-10-XX Extraordinary Plenipotentiary for Communications, Revolutionary Military Council, Southern Front
1919-10-XX 1920-07-XX Chief of Signal Sections, Southern, Southwestern and Caucasian Fronts
1920-06-29 1920-09-XX Deputy Head of Signal Directorate
1920-09-29 1924-04-01 Head of Signal Directorate
1920-09-29 1924-04-01 Military Commissar, Signal Directorate
1924-04-01 1929-10-13 Head of Military Technical Directorate
1924-04-01 1929-10-13 Military Commissar, Technical Directorate
1929-12-13 1934-12-25 Head of Motorisation & Mechanisation Directorate
1934-12-25 1937-04-09 Head of Tank Directorate
1936-04-09 1937-03-XX Head of Armaments
1937-03-XX 1937-04-05 First Deputy People's Commissar of Communications
1937-04-05 1937-08-16 People's Commissar of Communications
1937-11-08 1937-11-13 Special Plenipotentiary for Communications of the Council of People's Commissars
1937-11-13 1938-07-29 Arrested
1938-07-29 Condemned to death
1938-07-29 Executed
1956-09-08 Rehabilitated
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