The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops Vasilii Efimovich Khlopov

Khlopov, Vasilii Efimovich

Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops

* 26th of December 1900

† 16th of October 1975

(Василий Ефимович Хлопов)


1939-05-05 Colonel
1943-02-22 Major-General of Tank Troops
1957-05-16 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops


1939-06-XX 1939-12-XX Chief of Staff, 5th Light Tank Brigade
1939-12-XX 1940-06-XX At disposal of the Intelligence Directorate, General Staff
1940-06-XX 1941-06-XX Assistant Military Attaché to Germany
1941-08-XX Deputy Chief of Foreign Relations Section, Intelligence Directorate, General Staff
1941-08-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, Briansk Front
1941-08-XX 1942-02-XX Chief of Foreign Relations Section, Intelligence Directorate, General Staff
1942-02-XX 1942-11-XX Chief of 1st Section (German), 2nd Directorate, Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1942-11-XX 1943-12-XX Head of 2nd Directorate, Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1943-12-XX 1945-06-XX Deputy Head of Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1945-06-XX 1946-04-XX Head of 1st Directorate, Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1946-04-XX 1948-04-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1948-04-XX 1950-01-XX Head of Foreign Armies Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1950-01-XX 1955-02-XX Deputy Commandant of the Military Diplomatic Academy
1955-02-XX 1959-03-XX Chief of Information, Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1959-03-XX 1967-06-27 Commandant of the Military Diplomatic Academy
1967-07-XX 1967-08-XX At disposal of the Head of Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1967-08-XX 1968-06-24 At disposal of the Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1968-06-24 Retired
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