The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Rafail Pavlovich Khmelnitskii

Khmelnitskii, Rafail Pavlovich


* 27th of September 1898

† 12th of January 1964

(Рафаил Петрович Хмельницкий)


1935-11-20 Komdiv
1938-02-22 Komkor
1940-06-04 Lieutenant-General


1930-06-XX 1931-04-XX Commanding Officer 1st Moscow Proletarian Regiment
1931-04-XX 1931-11-15 Assistant Commanding Officer 1st Moscow Proletarian Division
1931-11-15 1934-11-XX Commanding Officer 1st Moscow Proletarian Division
1934-11-XX 1935-01-XX Officer for Special Assignments to the People's Commissar of the Army & Navy
1935-01-XX 1940-06-XX Adjutant to the People's Commissar of Defence
1940-06-21 1941-08-09 Commanding Officer XXXIV Rifle Corps
1941-09-XX Severely wounded
1941-09-XX 1942-07-XX Convalescing
1942-08-XX 1942-10-XX Head of Supplies Central Partisan Movement
1942-12-XX 1946-06-XX At disposal of the Deputy People's Commissar of Defence
1946-06-XX 1947-XX-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate, Ministry of Defence
1947-04-XX 1948-02-XX At disposal of the Military Artillery Academy
1948-02-XX 1948-03-03 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1948-03-03 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous