The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Stepanovich Khokhlov

Khokhlov, Ivan Stepanovich


* 14th of August 1899

† 9th of July 1957

(Иван Степанович Хохлов)


1940-01-31 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-04-14 Colonel
1943-10-16 Major-General


1937-11-XX 1940-08-XX Chief of Military Translators Course, Intelligence Section, Leningrad Military District
1940-08-XX 1941-07-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, 17th Army
1941-07-XX 1941-09-XX Chief of 1st Branch, 114th Rifle Division
1941-09-XX 1941-11-XX Chief of Staff, 121st Rifle Division
1941-11-XX 1942-09-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, 21st Army
1942-09-XX 1943-05-24 Deputy Commanding Officer 64th Rifle Division
1943-05-24 1944-06-01 Commanding Officer 413th Rifle Division
1944-06-XX 1945-06-XX Commandant of Tulsk Suvorov Military School
1945-06-XX 1945-11-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1945-11-XX 1946-03-XX Hospitalised
1946-03-XX 1949-02-XX Head of Military Department, Moscow Institute of Foreign Trade
1949-02-XX 1949-11-XX Head of Military Department, Moscow Institute of Economics
1949-11-XX 1950-04-XX Acting Chief of 9th Section, Higher Military Educational Institutions Directorate
1950-04-XX 1950-09-XX Chief of 8thth Section, Higher Military Educational Institutions Directorate
1950-09-XX Retired
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